Ep. 140 - Business- take it with a grain of salt

Ep. 140 - Business- take it with a grain of salt

What a brainwash it is. You just need to have the right strategies and you’re business will take off.

I know it sucks, but it’s nonsense if it was true we’d all be millionaires in no time.

So the question becomes what is the reason for some people to become thriving artists and for others to struggle to get by.

Tune into today’s episode where I talk about the secret.

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Ep. 138 - Sell differently - let emotions run the show

Ep. 138 - Sell differently - let emotions run the show

Selling seems to be THE tabu topic for artists.

Somehow we’re all trained to think that selling is sleazy and that we can’t be selling our work, without selling our soul in the process.

Let’s just call this out, it’s bullshit.

Let me show you a different way to sell your work.

Letting emotions, the experience lead the process.

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Episode 109: Celebrate moving into discomfort

Episode 109: Celebrate moving into discomfort

Getting uncomfortable is uncomfortable obviously. However, when it comes to creating our creative dream life, we need to get uncomfortable.

Creating what we desire requires us to move out of our comfort zone, to try new things, and to take some risks. Let's embrace moving into discomfort, let's celebrate the discomfort.

I'll be sharing with you how you can get yourself to jump in and move towards your goals consistently, even when it's scary as fuck.

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Episode 98: Setting boundaries.

Episode 98: Setting boundaries.

Especially as women, we get asked to help a LOT.

We feel pressured into doing things, we don't want to do or that will take us away from OUR priorities.

It's time to put an end to this. It's time we set clear boundaries and protect ourselves, our goals and desires.

It is true that every time we say yes we say no to something else.

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Episode 97: Letting the 'how' come to you.

Episode 97: Letting the 'how' come to you.

I'm finally sharing my thoughts on how to make your dreams and desires your reality.

It might be the most controversial episode yet, as I don't think you need to know how you'll achieve them. Especially not in the beginning.

However there is one part in you that knows, it always knows.

Join me in today's episode and learn how you can deal with the nagging 'how' that is keeping you busy.

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Episode 88: Q'nA : How to figure out what you really want!

 Episode 88: Q'nA : How to figure out what you really want!

Today's question is a regular coming up one. Somehow we all feel pressure to know exactly what we want at all times. Being a searching one doesn't fit the mold. However, letting go of the pressure and starting to listen to what's really going on in your inside will help you discover what you want.

In today's Q'nA Episode I share some tips and tricks on how you can figure out what it is that you really want!

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Episode 86: Reaching your goals.

 Episode 86: Reaching your goals.

Over the past couple of years, I experimented with tons of productivity, goals setting and accountability tools. Many of them didn't work or stick, even though they seemed great at a time.

In today's Q'nA Episode I'll be sharing the strategies, habits, and tools that help me stick to my plans and actually turn my dreams and goals into reality.

As my professional live and personal life changes I update how I use the strategies mentioned in today's episodes, however over the past three years at least I haven't swapped out any of them.

In the experience of my clients and me, they're mom life-proof, busy people proof,...

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Episode 83. Maternity leave, the good, the bad, the ugly.

 Episode 83. Maternity leave, the good, the bad, the ugly.

Going into my second pregnancy I had big elaborate plans to prepare this big life change way ahead of time, so I would be able to take a few months.

This episode is a very honest recap of the theory of the plan and the actual implementation.

This episode isn't only for the creative that plans to have a baby, are pregnant or among tiny people, it's basically for everyone that prepares for big life change.

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Episode 76: Not the typical kind of consistency.

Episode 76: Not the typical kind of consistency.

Consistency is such a buzz word. Everyone is talking about being more consistent. However, no-one really says what it means. Especially how you can use consistency to actually build a successful creative business.

Today I share with you what it means to consistently show up for your creative dream and why posting a thousand times each week consistently isn't that important after all.

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Episode 75: Why do you create?

Episode 75: Why do you create?

Sharing your work and talking about it can basically feel like stripping in the middle of the street.

We're worried about what people say and think. We're afraid they might discover that we're not really a creator after all.

So today we're talking about it. I'm going through a weird phase where I need to rediscover why I created what I'm creating and how to talk about my work publicly. In the past decade however, I've developed strategies that help me get out of this fear-based insecurity more easily.

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