Episode 88: Q'nA : How to figure out what you really want!

 Episode 88: Q'nA : How to figure out what you really want!

Today's question is a regular coming up one. Somehow we all feel pressure to know exactly what we want at all times. Being a searching one doesn't fit the mold. However, letting go of the pressure and starting to listen to what's really going on in your inside will help you discover what you want.

In today's Q'nA Episode I share some tips and tricks on how you can figure out what it is that you really want!

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Episode 77: How to do it all.

 Episode 77: How to do it all.

Today's Q is a bit of a funny one. 'How do you do it all?'.

It's a loaded question, as a mom, a wife, a business owner, an artist, ... I feel like I'm constantly in the need of readjusting my focus. However, there are a few things I've learned over to the past 5 years since becoming a mother that has helped me manage.

It's still messy and overwhelming at times. I still drop the ball from time to time, but I also figured out a thing or two along the way.

In today's episode, I share what's crucial so you can kind off do it all.

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Episode 71: Q'nA, Can you make a living doing that?

 Episode 71: Q'nA, Can you make a living doing that?

A question we all face at a certain point when becoming a full-time, professional artist.

I've totally been there and went through some phases dealing with this question, in today's episode I'm sharing with you what truly helps to deal with this question. Let's make sure you won't get negativity impacted by it. Take a listen now!

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Q 'N A - What to when starting your creative BIZ

Q 'N A - What to when starting your creative BIZ

Hi lovely, 

let's get started with todays question!:

The question of today is:

What do I need to think of paying when starting out my creative BIZ?
What do I need to save money for to cover the costs?

If you’re an artist, designer, stylist, creator,... and have a question about how to start and grow your creative BIZ, send me your question and I would love to answer it!

Please Submit your question here!

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Q 'N A - Inspiration

Q 'N A - Inspiration

Hi lovely, 

let's get started with todays question!:

The question of today is:

Where do you get inspiration from? How do you get your creative juices flowing?


If you’re an artist, designer, stylist, creator,... and have a question about how to start and grow your creative BIZ, send me your question and I would love to answer it!

Please Submit your question here!

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Q 'N A - How to keep going

Q 'N A - How to keep going

Hi lovely, 

let's get started with todays question!:

The question of today is:

How do you keep going every day? Moving your creative practice and BIZ forward?


If you’re an artist, designer, stylist, creator,... and have a question about how to start and grow your creative BIZ, send me your question and I would love to answer it!

Please Submit your question here!

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Q 'N A - must reads!

Q 'N A - must reads!

Hi lovely, 

let's get started with todays question!:

The question of today is:

Which books are the most important once to read when starting a creative BIZ?


If you’re an artist, designer, stylist, creator,... and have a question about how to start and grow your creative BIZ, send me your question and I would love to answer it!

Please Submit your question here!


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Q 'N A - dealing with a creative block

Q 'N A - dealing with a creative block

Hi lovely, 

let's get started with todays question!:

The question of today is:

What to do when having a creative block?


If you’re an artist, designer, stylist, creator,... and have a question about how to start and grow your creative BIZ, send me your question and I would love to answer it!

Please Submit your question here!

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